Our own attitudes shape how we respond to others when they come to us for help. Answering the questions below will help you understand your own beliefs about mental health and help you be there for a friend or loved one when they open up to you.

Please answer all of the questions below:

Have you ever distanced yourself from someone after learning of challenges to their mental health?

Have you ever thought a co-worker was less capable of doing their job because they’ve told you about challenges to their mental health?

Have you ever called someone crazy, nuts, or insane?

Have you ever told a friend who is feeling depressed to snap out of it?

Have you ever been afraid to say something to someone you know experiences challenges to their mental health?

Have you ever thought someone was faking their mental health challenges just to get attention?

Are you less sympathetic to mental health conditions than other ailments like diabetes or heart disease?

Do you think a relationship with someone close to you would be tarnished if you opened up to them about your own mental health concerns?

Are some mental health issues scary to you?

Would you feel uncomfortable if an acquaintance shared concerns about their mental health with you?